Ylläksen Yöpuu

Ylläksen Yöpuu

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About us



UniKelo is a brand from Äkäslompolo, Finnish Lapland. The materials are Lapland wood and reindeer antler. The maker is Vesa Kaulanen from Äkäslompolo.

Each product is unique, nature does not create two identical horns or trees.

When they fall to the ground, the horns and the trees become grounded and disappear quickly, but in a dry and warm place, they both last for hundreds of years.

However, with UniKelo products you can give them a new "life" in your home.

Myyntinäyttely on Äkäslompolossa Wellsissä (Tunturintie 22) ja Ylläsjärvessä Ylläspuodissa (Tirroniementie 2) 

Voit kysyä suoraan Vesalta tuotteista tai tilata mittojesi mukaisen tuotteen. Toimitus myös postilla.



The story of Ylläksen Yöpuu begins in 1954, when my parents Markku and Senni Kaulanen built a house called Purola in the then somewhat sparsely populated center of Äkäslompolo. They became rural tourism entrepreneurs.

In the local municipality, the matter was expressed differently: "We have cows and tourists". At that time, the level of requirements was not dizzying even for the customers, the household slept in one corner and the tourists in the other, when you woke up in the morning, the mattresses were carried into the attic and a large barrack table was brought inside.

After breakfast, the tourists went skiing and the hostess stayed to cook dinner. Back then, the tracks were made only by skiing, there were no machines for that. No wonder the skating style was not fashionable.

In the afternoon, the tourists came to eat and take a sauna, then the table was taken outside again and the bedclothes replaced.

There were no separately reserved evening spaces, the evenings were up to the guests to decide on their own.

Little by little, additional farms were also built in Purola, and in the early 1970s, agriculture was completely abandoned. The cows were put away and we went to "milk the tourist".

At that time I had also made my first transactions, according to the customers, I had taken money from them in exchange for NOT throwing snowballs at them...

About us
The history of Yöpuu
The history of Yöpuu
About us
The history of Yöpuu - Senni

After my father Markku Kaulanen died in 1981, my mother Senni Kaulanen continued to run the house alone, with some of us children still on her feet. There was enough to do, breakfast for the tourists, then the dishes and making dinner. And of course the dishes after that, when you add the cleaning of the cabins to this, luckily it was a short season then.

In Purola, Senni's tourist business continued as it had been until then, without any further madness. Senni Kaulanen kept the house until the end of 1992 and until his death. In the spring of 1993, I, Vesa Kaulanen, became the host. That's when the name was also changed to Ylläksen Yöpuu.


Many things have been done since then. The cabins have been renovated one by one, and when everything has gone through, the tour starts again from the beginning. This is still going on.

There are now, 2020, actually the same number of beds as when I started -93. The equipment level and the customers' needs and requirements have changed "a little". Tourism has become almost year-round and the clientele very international. The internet has made our globe smaller and easier to travel. Our most loyal customers have already visited more than for 40 years.

In my time too (already 30 years?!), there have already been banking crises and climate change, the corona also swept across the world, then there is a war in Europe. But we still believe that we will get through this a little stronger and better. So are Ylläksen Yöpuu, Äkäslompolo and Ylläs. 

We welcome all our old and new guests!

Best regards, Vesa and Marja Kaulanen

Air | Water | Berries

Nature and us


Air quality has been studied in our area for more than 20 years, and it is the cleanest in the world.


The water coming from the taps of our cottages is so clean that you won't find it in a bottle! You can also drink water directly from the fell streams! It's just really cold, but clean. So forget about bottled water when you live with us!

Berries and mushrooms

All edible mushrooms and berries growing in our area are also clean and 100% edible. You can use the berries you pick directly on your morning porridge!

Everybody's friend

Leia the dog

I am "white and golden retriever" Leia, born on April 3, 2020.

I often greet people when you come to be our guest, paw raised to say hello! I'm everyone's friend and especially I get along well with children.

If you want, you can take me for a run, the host will give me a rope and a harness for the journey, I promise to obey and not drag! I get enough food at home, so you can't give me anything extra, otherwise I'll get so fat that I can't even play, and it's not healthy either. I also don't come to the cabin, then the host might come for me and worry and I won't hear calls inside.

There is no need to be scared; I am a customer service dog, not a watch dog. I use the lead only when I go for a walk with someone, otherwise I just stay in the yard, and I am not interested in wandering away. Please do not call me out of the yard! I like travelling by car and bathing in the sauna, the only thing that I like more is when somebody scratches me.

See you in the Yöpuu!
Regards Leia

About us